Friday, October 30, 2015

Blog 31: My Proposed Public Argument

A syringe being held upright; the plunger is being depressed and liqud droplets debouching from the needle tip
This looks intimidating.

The time has come to start thinking about assignment 3, the public argument. After scrolling through a list of possible options, I begin to consider doing something in the scholarly argument or public argument. If I go toward the scholarly route, I may do a brief editorial or maybe even a scientific literature review. If I go toward the public argument route, I may consider a typed magazine article or even a Wikipedia article.

The topic will be something related to the medical field that is controversial or at least is argumentative in nature. Perhaps I can create an argument over physician assisted suicide or euthanasia (which are 2 different things). Although not necessarily science related, it does relate to the medical field.

The purpose of the rhetorical situation would be to persuade the American Medical Association and any other major medical group that has a say in terms of medical practices that using drugs to kill patients who want to die is ethical. I can also take a public approach by influencing people that this should be an acceptable option hoping that the message is widespread enough to lead to action by the more influential people (president, governor, chairs of hospitals, etc.).

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