Saturday, December 5, 2015

Blog 40: A Letter of Encouragement

File:Writing a letter.jpg
Wikimedia Commons: "Writing a Letter"

My adventure in Honors English 109 is coming to an end. I will use the skills I learned from this class and apply them to my future classes. In case I do decide to look back at this blog, I use this post to write a letter to myself reminding me and others who are interested in reading to never stop learning even if times get tough.

Dear Michael,

You are probably reading this because you are going through tough times or want to look back at your experiences in Honors English 109. I know that you are prone to be being overly stressed. Do not let this stress impede your progress.

In your chemistry class this semester, remember how the professor used a silly slippery slope analogy to show that everyone is capable of learning? You will not end up being a broke hobo on the street because you had one bad grade. Just because you did not do well in college in your first and second year does not mean that you will never be able to pursue your dreams.

Do not let yourself or anyone bring you down. You must work hard and work with your professors to improve your grade. You have potential. As your high school world history TA said, "You are your own obstacle." The only person you are competing with is yourself. Comparing yourself to others will only exacerbate your stress.

You will be taking a large course load than last semester which can be intimidating, but do not lose hope. Remember to ask for help if you need it. If you are still doing this, then good for you! Learning is a process. if you do not grasp a topic the first time, do not become frustrated.

Do not give up! You will eventually excel.

Your Former Self
Michael Gee

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